Delaware Engineering Promotional Video

Delaware Engineering Promotional Video

Delaware Engineering Promotional Video

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Timeline: 5 weeks

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Timeline: 5 weeks

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Timeline: 5 weeks

Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

The project objectives were to create a personalize, interview-style promotional video for the company Delaware Engineering to encourage recent graduates and young working professionals to apply to the company.




I chose to take a friendly approach to this video by asking a mix between personal and professional questions. I wanted the video to showcase the special family-oriented work environment that the company fosters.




I used the company's styleboard to guide my color and typography choices to ensure I was complying with the existing style in order to seamlessly integrate my content with existing marketing designs.


When developing this video, I brainstormed ideas of what I wish I knew about jobs from the perspective of a soon to be college graduate. After formulating my questions I thought about how I wanted to storyboard the video through sketches. After that, I had to set up a time to film and record with each member of my cast. During the filming process, I had to overcome barriers such as loud background noise in filming areas and trying to get cast members to elaborate more about their answers. While editing I went through the process of trying to balance footage of the interview with B-roll to ensure I created a cohesive video.


Filming and editing this video emphasized the importance of having a thorough plan from the start of creating your content. I had a strong plan from the start but I found for some areas of the video I had wished to have a larger variety of footage available to pick from. My ideas also evolved resulting in me recording more B-roll footage during the editing process that I didn't initially get to capture.

If I were to do another project like this one again, I have a better understanding of additional footage I would like to capture outside of the interview footage which would make the filming and editing easier.

© 2025 Maya Probeck